Ndip. Munakwa F Mardochee
Process based Objective, honest and business oriented multi-dimentional professional in Management systems for Quality, Health Safety Environment Security and Social Performance. I have a sound knowledge of the impact of good QHSE systems to business sustainability. Keen in the developments of lean and efficient systems for teams including regulator support inventory and compliance.
My Story
I am accountable for leading the strategic development and stable expansion for MUNA Group (REIMS, ASN AND MUNA HR Services) Engineering out risk with our main product being regulatory support and compliance criteria, specialist in Power, Mining, Oil and Gas and Telecoms.
Gaz du Cameroun - Corporate 1QHSSE Manager 03/2012 to 03/2017 Designed a lean and auditable Integrated Management System, compliant to ISO 9001:15, 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007, designed and implemented the live gas network monitoring program including the upgrading of Emergency control center and the drilling board QHSE Management Plan. Established the inventory of regulatory compliance and led the closure of key breaches… suggested and led to a safe negotiation for a new pipeline contractor making a direct saving of One Million.
Contour Global – 2EHSSP Manager 10/2009 to 12/2011 Led completion of condition precedents to loan agreements, for the Rwanda, Togo and Nigeria projects, Implementation of the operation philosophy of the lake Kivu gas extraction project, Management of QHSE and member of the West African Gas Pipeline operations committee, commissioned the Management system for the Togo 100MW gas power plant. Took over and led to completion of condition precedents to loan agreement for the KivuWatt Rwanda Gas extraction project saving > One hundred and Twenty Thousand pounds – 125, 000 GBP, on consultancy fees
AES (KPDC) – HSE – Social – 3RAP Manager 04/2007 to 10/2009 Management representative for the construction and partial operation of the 85 MW tri fuel plant including a 4km transmission line, developed to ground braking of the 216 to 300 MW gas plant including 225 km transmission line, coordinated the resettlement action plan including the preservation of cultural heritage … Other employers: Baker Hughes, Bechtel Corporation, (4EG – LNG Train 1), BESIX Group
London Metropolitan University – 5UK - 2017 – 6PGD - Oil, Gas and Energy Law – In progress Institute Universitaire de la Cote - Cameroon– 2017 – Executive MBA – In progress Warwick University – UK - 2016 - 7Nebosh National Diploma on Occupational Health and Safety 8RRC International - UK - 2014 - Nebosh Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety RRC International – UK - 2013 - Nebosh Certificate in Environmental Management RRC International - UK - 2011 - Nebosh International General Certificate on Occupational Health and Safety